Membership benefits
Listing on Directory
01 Directory Listings
Listing in MA directory, including your artist bio with 3 of your best artworks
Ability to promote any projects or exhibitions on our website. Our directory serves as a free visual gallery for all visitors.
03 Events and Workshops
Early access to free Member-Only events and workshops
Discount price to join MA paid events and workshops
Melbourne Artists Founding member
05 Be Melbourne Artists Inc. Founding Member
MA officially founded in June 2021, joining as a member now you will be permanently recognised as a Melbourne Artists Founding member
Feature on social media
02 Feature on MA Social Media
Member’s artwork featured on MA social media that are viewed by thousands visitors monthly
Member’s project or exhibitions promoted on MA instagram feed.
04 Exhibitions
Early access to apply group exhibitions
Discounted exhibition fee to MA exhibitions
06 Opportunity to be published on MA Artbook
Invitation to join Melbourne Artists Artbook to give you an opportunity to be published with a curatorial process.